Angela Huntley
Founder, Book Publisher and Coach
Angela Huntley
Founder, Book Publisher and Coach
Hi there and welcome!
Although we’ve never met, the fact you are here on this site tells me one thing about you. You are a
World Changer!
You’ve been gifted with a testimony, a great story, or valuable knowledge to share with the world. I’m sure of it.
I’m guessing what brings you here are questions about how to get what's inside of you out.
You may be wondering how to get started writing your book?
Does anybody care?
Should you even waste your time?
Trust me, every author has asked themselves these same questions. The short answer is yes! Your story is important. You have an obligation to share it with the world because you never know who you are going to inspire.
And, how do you get started?
I’m here to help.
Since 2014, I have worked with authors to help make their publishing dreams come true. My company started by offering boutique publishing services only. It didn’t take me long to discover that writers, especially first-time writers, required more than just top-notch publishing. They needed a coach. Someone on the sideline to give technical assistance, direction, motivation, and provide a clear roadmap to the finished goal of publishing an outstanding book that readers will want to read, and one that is worthy to be a part of their legacy.
Through years of studying writing techniques and collaborating with authors, I’ve created a unique approach to completing a manuscript. Beginning with content planning and step-by-step instructions designed to get your story out of your head and onto paper. As a writing coach, I do not write for you. Instead, I will work with you to brainstorm your ideas, polish your storytelling skills and help you stay motivated as we go chapter by chapter. The end goal is to have a completed manuscript ready for line editing.
Some topics we cover in our
one-on-one coaching sessions
-choose the point of view from which to write your book
-write an elevator speech that sells your book to readers and publishers
-write a one-liner that describes your plot
-frame the beginning, middle and end of your story
-organize scenes and chapters using a flow chart
-capture your reader’s interest in the first chapter
-choose which parts of your story/message to include or not include
-avoid writing dead or boring scenes and chapters
-create proper flow in the story with dramatic scenes
-and more...
Sounds good so far? To get the details on the coaching packages available and my approach to coaching, give the following information to receive my coaching brochure.